Buy real members at best price

Be on Top & Get More members to your channel, start grow today!
- 100 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 250 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 500 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 1000 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 2500 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 5000 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 10000 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 20000 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service
- 50000 Public Channel Members
- Real People
- Worldwide
- No password required
- 100% Safe (Guaranteed)
- Fast service

Finished Projects
Finished Projects
years of experience
happy clients
Why Are Members Very Significant for your Public Channel?
If you start a new business and want to become popular, it’s difficult to find people interested to join your Telegram Channel. If you want your channel to reach a wider audience, you can buy one of our services. As Genialseo, we guarantee to provide you the highest quality available at the most affordable price rates. Buying Telegram Members from us is the most effective way to get more exposure and improve your channel quickly and most economically.
Our real channel members drive organic traffic, which will provide you high engagement rates. Additionally, since they are real people, they can also partecipate in the channel, write comments and buy services. This is the best way to start a Telegram Channel, because if people see that you grow your members fast, they will think that your content is very good and your service is worth buying! Think about the big potential can give spending only few dollars in our service!
How to buy
- Choose the package you prefer and click Buy Now
- Click on Add To Cart
- Click on View Cart
- If you don’t want to add more products, click on Proceed To Checkout
- Click Pay
Our policy is to safeguard privacy of our clients, for this reason we ask only a valid email to process the order.
On “Additional Information” field add: Telegram Channel Link
For the payment we chose a fast and secure merchant that offers a wide range of payment options: Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Maestro), Bitcoin, Ethereum, Usdt, Litecoin, Advcash and many others. After you click on Pay button you will see a page where you can choose the payment option you prefer. After done you have to create an account on (you need just your email and will take only few seconds), then deposit money on your Payeer account with the payment option you chose and pay the invoice generated from our system.
Now we received your order that will be processed in a few hours.
If you need assistance we are available 24/7, check our contacts page to reach us.
Is it illegal to buy channel members?
No, it is not illegal to buy Telegram Members
Can i get a refund if i’m not satisfied with the product?
You can get a refund only if we haven’t delivered your product within three days.
Can i get banned for buying members?
No, Telegram does not ban you for buying members.
What benefit can i expect from this service?
Your channel will be suggested more to the relevant audience you target. In this way, you increase your visibility.
Is it safe to buy Telegram Channel Members?
Yes. Our system is protected by an SSL certificate. All the transactions you make are completely secure in our website.